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Suspiria 2018 vs. Suspiria 1977: An Attempt to Remake Magic
It finally came. The long-awaited remake to the 1977 Italian giallo horror film from the mind of Dario Argento, Suspiria. In 2018,...

How has modern horror parted ways with conventions of the past?
It’s a Friday night. The parents are out for the evening and the teens are ready to party. The beers begin to flow, the sexual tension...

Why are all the Ghouls Girls?
Close your eyes. Think of one of the most famous ghosts in any horror movie? Please open your eyes. PLEASE! I hope you really didn’t...

And Then There Was That Boy Meets World Halloween Episode...
I have no idea what the first horror movie I ever saw was; I’m not even good at pretending like I know, but one of the most standout...

Which "Saw" have you seen? Ranking the "Saw" movies.
I want to play a game…. This week the 8th installment of the “Saw” series hits the theaters and horror fans will be flooding the...

Nothing to Fear: A Retelling about Writing a Horror Anthology
This was an idea that I was bummed that never got passed early stages of writing. I (Peter) approached Carlos (a college friend who I...

Val Lewton: Suggestive Horror, Freudian Undertones, and the Beginning of Film Noir
Hello all! This is my first blog installment for the “It Records” podcast. I hope to churn out one of this suckers every week before our...

Why We Crave Horror (A Microcosmic Analysis through Wes Craven)
For at least a generation now, the term “horror movie’ has likely evoked acts of graphic violence rather than subtle constructions of...

The Burbs’: The Era of Slapstick Horror
This week on the podcast we talked about the cult classic The Burbs. Pete and I tried to discern the elements of the movie which were...

An Outsider Look on Horror
I’m the kid who likes walking down bike paths at night with one or two friends. The one who stays up all night reading creepy urban...
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